April 2, 2021



If you like to explore the world on the go and want an inspiring goal for your workouts, then you are in the right place!

Meie oleme SportTraveli tulihingelised reisijuhid ja elamuste võlurid. Kahe inimese inspiratsioonist loodud ettevõte on tänaseks kasvanud 16-liikmeliseks tiimiks, kus iga liige panustab just sellesse reisi, mis temale nii äge tundub. 

We invite you to join us on our trips created out of true passion and dreams!

Whether it be a running marathon in Athens, the city of Olympics.

A varied and developing health camp on the sandy beaches of Spain. 

… or instead our “Out of Service!” hiking adventure in the Lapland wilderness. 

Something specifically for You and Your soul. Something that will inspire You to be more active! 

That's our mission.

SportTravel has been operating as a travel agency since 2014. You can see the story of how it all started from here.

We travel with professionals in their field, active sports fans as well as people who are still looking for an inspiring push and purpose for their exercise journey. We organize active trips around the world in three main areas: sports trips, health camps and hiking adventures. We are constantly discovering new sports and aim to keep the selection of packages diverse and exciting!


Sports trips

Well-known marathons and sporting events around the world. Skiing, running, swimming or cycling – Your choice! Are you going to run a full marathon or are you going to start with a shorter distance?

Health camps

Workouts, fun people and the joy of progress! Camps in beautiful destinations where we develop general physical fitness and endurance with the help of a coach.


Hiking experiences in scenic locations, as well as in places where phone coverage and civilization are completely lost. Definitely a wake up call for Your adventurous soul!

Kui Sul on reiside osas mingeid täpsustavaid küsimusi, siis kirjuta meile aadressil info@sporttravel.ee. 

Seniks inspireerivate kohtumisteni!